
Tension between my secular literary back log and my sacred exploration.

Chipping away at both, and seeing I was always meant to read everything exactly when I happen upon it.

No matter what, I have a story. This is true for everyone, but the conscious knowledge of the power of fiction lets one choose heaven.

Everyone knows someone who chooses hell, and lives there full time. These people are miserable, and are doomed to suffer. Stay away from them and their life.

Here are two stories: in one, people exist with souls, each one more than the sum of the matter that generates it, and may be loved in their own right; in the other, humans are machines that act deterministically or randomly (must be one of the two!) and there is no need to believe in their intrinsic value.

Two more stories: in one, the World and God have minds, incomprehensible as they are, and not only have your best interests at heart but also want a relationship with you; in the other, all existence is indifferent or malicious, or is totally dead, and is a set of obstacles or levers along your path to self-fulfillment. Which story is better?