
At first Lord God created heaven and earth.

And barren earth was void and formless yet,

and God traversed the waters dark and deep.

And God said “Let light be,” and light there was.

And God saw light, and saw that it was good,

and kept the good light far away from dark.

And God made light the day and dark the night,

and passage of the evening and the morning

marked day one of God our Lord’s creation.

And God said, “Let there be a firmament

within the waters, so they may divide.”

And God then made the firmament he sought,

dividing waters under from above.

And God said firmament is heaven’s vault, 

and passage of the evening and the morning

marked day two of God our Lord’s creation.

And God said, “Let the waters under heaven

fill one place, so dry earth may then be.”

And God then made dry earth and called it land,

and called the gathering of waters seas,

and saw that all the land and seas were good.

And God said, “Let the land have grass, and be

beget by herbs and fruit trees bearing seed.”

And land then nurtured grass and herbs and trees,

and God saw plants, and saw that they were good.

And passage of the evening and the morning

marked day three of God our Lord’s creation.