
She focuses all her latent magical abilities into focusing this shot. Then, exhaling all the way, she releases the arrow.

“Roll with double advantage,” I said, and watched Selene roll three d20s: 18, 11, 6. The arrow makes its mark, striking the commander in the eye. He falls over, and dies. Meanwhile, the opposing archer takes his shot—(I rolled a d20, and winced upon seeing the 20)—and catches Jonan in the neck. 

“Jonan dies,” Selene says immediately, and tears her character sheet in half. Fumbling for her lighter, she leaned away from Hortus. “That was a disaster. But now the underlings will run.”

I made the appropriate morale checks, confirming her prediction. Two infantrymen and one archer flee from the scene, leaving behind their slain commander and a wounded goblin. Adrenaline, the goblin goes limp, and appears to be dying.