
“That’s why you like this game so much,” Hortus said, speaking like back when he was a teenager. “You get to be God, and have us at your mercy. All the power to you, but I wonder why the others allow it.”

“I trust the rules of Gale’s world. Jonan steadies her bow, yelling at Madir: “Switch to a sword! I’ll cover.” Selene cleared her throat. “Attempt to shoot an enemy commander in the eye. I believe I roll under my dexterity to hit?”

“Sounds good to me. Roll with advantage, for preparation.” I watched her roll the d20: 10 and 20, both over her low dexterity score of 6. Also a miss. Jonan fires, and the arrow whizzes past the enemy commander’s ear, catching his attention. Stormtrooper aim,” I joked.