
I was once again on that boat, mesmerized by the unforgettable sight of the port overlooking those calm waters. With her arms draped around my neck, the beautiful stranger in my arms had anchored me to one moment in time, giving the weary soul of my later years a home and sanctuary no matter when and where he was. In my exile from the idle joys of carefree days, those restless, those oxygen-deprived nights had become my reason to live. And though only waking breaths could ease the throbbing pain that came with each departure from that dream haven, for what would I breathe? The embrace of that girl welcomed me into the darkness, soothing the distress of my panicking brain with the lovely smell of strawberry shampoo and vanilla perfume. And when the music ended and she stepped back, her smile against the lights of La Ronde in the distance was no longer one of gratitude or farewell; rather, it beckoned for me to stay just a little longer. And this time, I fought off my awakening, desperately struggling to see what lay past that gentle visage. Her name — that unsolved mystery — was surely only one stifled breath away, just a step or two in the realm of sweet, everlasting death. I steeled my resolve and ventured forth.