
the chambers of potential past the bend in the forest trail
under the shade of a sallow tree thirsting for old water
groaning through the parching heat of a dry afternoon
kaleidoscopic in the full spectrum of light and sound
ghostly ghastly assault on cracked bark and bare branches
facing out at where the greens of trees turn yellow and blue
past where butterflies dance with floaties in a fenced yard

her finger showed the haunting hollow in the gaping gash
between the time we have and what we may hope to have
where in her sheets or mine we may release once and for all
the longing to be one in flesh past spirit (gold before God?)
unfastening detachments like a satin ribbon round the void
airy limber aura of the leafy curtain hiding our nakedness

if someone saw us as I took away the embracing gown
what would they see of obstacle or practicality? they see
two bodies (one male, one female) on a bed in a room
wrap around each other with hair and tongues and fingers
seeking in the wrenching rhythm of quick and slow kisses
silence past any solitude from when we go out ways apart

candle fire burns with smoke and aroma til the wick is gone
alchemy of wax to wane remarking on the unplayed board
where cities pop up in a hurry as lords stake out fortresses
safe in the walls that mold from neglected mist and murk
mirage and mire disguising intimations of the chain cabal
watercolor fingerpainting commentary on society (man)