
Chapter 1 - Dawn / Sarah, Tremblay's daughter "Lin" (Carice likes using fake names, and pretends to be an adopted Chinese girl whose father dislikes talking about her.) Gale thinks Dawn was calling, but it was Sarah. Dreams and sleep are themes. Gale and "Lin" call before sleep. ("Lynn is how I prefer to spell it.")

Chapter 2 - Ancra / Hortus, Gale mistakes Ancra's call for Hortus's.

Chapter 3 - Eroica / Tara, the latter (close call) tells him to call. Eroica tells him that she will arrange for Tara and David to break up, and for Tara to join him in Montreal
(she gives up when Tara is pregnant and in love)
Eroica asked Catherine to sacrifice her cousin David.
Louise is sinply an observer who sings.

Chapter 4 - Catherine / Selene, voicemail / social call
Gale and Catherine cheated when they danced. Louise knew, so when Gale left she fucked Ancra. Eroica's and Catherine's and Louise's children's fathers are Gale.
All along, their children were cousins.
Timothy died in denial that his daughter is not his.
Only Juniper is his. Quinine, both fake and real, are Gale's.
Maximilian ran, found a new life, and died of sadness.
Ancra had a family of his own and raised a magical girl.
Maximilian, Timothy, and Ancra were cucked.

Chapter 5 - Louise / Charlotte, breakup + call for help
(Gale notices how good Louise's English is.) She gives him a cello tape of Fascinating Rhythm.

Chapter 6 - parents / Tremblay, tough call + call bluff
parents hear of Louise leaving and tells him of the child.

WATERLOO or MONTREAL: same outcome

Chapter 7 - outbound calls.
Gale disowned by everyone.

Chapter 8 - reconciliation calls (in montage)