
As I chipped away at my reading backlog (so many magazines…) I had the idea to use the margins as a throwaway journal. Why delude myself in thinking that these volumes are worth any more than scrap paper after I have read them? May as well use the space to my advantage.

I also have resolved to make greater efforts in securing my workflow. As someone easily discouraged, I ought do my best to prevent the most egregious disappointments of the future. If my hard drive goes kaput, who knows how it shall take for me to recover. And so everything shall be backed up on Google Drive.

Moreover, more workflow optimizations are in order. Adding “” was a good start, but now for footnotes 1. Just installed a plug-in 2, and what a difference it makes. Can process make art in and of itself? Maybe. Process plus bias equals agency. Maybe that's the start and end of it.


What a pain to write out.
2: Case in point.