
For the rest of class, I tuned out Mr. Florence's analysis of Shylock's "Hath not a Jew eyes" speech while I made conversation with Venus on a sheet of paper. 

Is Mr. Florence a good teacher? He's alright, but he's way better at interpreting literature than he is at teaching it. Do you like his class? It's alright, but it's nowhere close to my favorite. What, how can you not like English? ;) I just don't =.= I much prefer science. I knew that, silly; astronomy right? 

The sound of me jumping out of my chair was conveniently hidden by Mr. Florence coughing after choking on a sip of coffee. He should really stop drinking while talking. 

How did you know that?! I met you at a youth science conference… Wait, what, I knew you from before? Do you think anyone here told me your name, Edwin Braun? 

Damn. I always miss these trivial details. Chekhov's gun just blew my mind. 

I rubbed my temples with my thumbs until class was dismissed. Last period English always gave me headaches, but this was one hell of a migraine.